Who and what are Triple C’s Colab Colleagues?

Who and what are Triple C’s Colab Colleagues? How does it work and how do you become one?

I’m sure some of you may have seen the post about our very first Colab Colleague – Monica Malan from MMD Studio in St Francis Bay. She is the magic behind our beautiful branding and website. We embarked on this Journey in November 2022 and MMD brought to life the vision I had for Triple C.

We have a great relationship and work extremely well together, so much so, that this sparked a thought process of putting our brains together and creating a team effort through our own businesses.

— MMD Studio Showcase

“Since such a big part of Triple C is Collaboration, quite literally, what one of the three C’s stand for! It made sense to make the move and connect our creativity.”

Thus the Colleague Colab was born!! Side note, If you are a millennial you may have read that in the Power Puff Girls narrator’s voice. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here is a link to what we were exposed to in the 90’s.

Anyway, It was decided to be made into an interchangeable term. Because why not, when part of the business is all about creativity and fluidity. You can be a Colab Colleague or we can have a Colleague Colab!

So.. how does it work?

We have a simple referral system in place, an agreement to send clients to each other based on our strengths, then we collaborate when we have a client that needs both of us to join forces.

The concept is not too structured because everyone is different and Triple C has a very tailored approach to their clients needs, we keep things simple in the sense that MMD Studio and Triple C have defined the roles they each fulfil, then we work within those parameters, anything above or beyond will need to be addressed with our clients and outsourced elsewhere.

How do you become a Colab Colleague? It’s rather simple, if you feel like your business can collaborate with Triple C, head on over to our contact us page and submit your proposal and we will get in touch. 

Keep Smiling,


Chief Cat Herder (CEO)

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